
Holy Spirit Council No. 11661

11300 W 103RD ST OVERLAND PARK KS 66214



Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2021

Call to Order: Grand Knight, Jim Easterday called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Wardens Report: The meeting was held in the Holy Spirit Catholic Church’s Martha and Mary room. The meeting was preceded by “Men’s Knight Out.”

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance: Fr. Andrew Strobl led the Council in prayer and Grand Knight Jim Easterday led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Officers absent at the meeting were the Chancellor, Advocate, Warden, Inside Guard, Outside Guard, and Second Year Trustee. Twenty-four (24) members were present and duly recognized.

Attendance: Present: 24;Total Membership: 319

Approval of Minutes: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes from the July 8, 2021, meeting was approved.


Grand Knight’s Report

Grand Knight, Jim Easterday gave the following report:


1.Fellow Knight Ron Svec, Jr. of our Council passed away on Monday night, August 9.

2.The webpage was still down. He said an investigation is underway as to the reason. He said once the reason is determined why the webpage was shut down a determination will be made whether the incident will be reported to the State Chapter.

3.The Fun Fair will be held at the Church/School on September 10. Knight volunteers are needed to work the event for the Church/School. A sheet is being passed around with times and positions needed filled for those willing to volunteer.

4.August 13, 2021, is the first Anniversary of Blessed Michael J. McGivney, our Founder’s beatification. Pray to him for intercession.  

5.We will be having our Corporate Communion Mass and brunch following the 9:00 Mass on August 29, 2021. Brush will be in the Martha and Mary Room.

6.For the Directors who have not submitted their activities to him, please do so as events need to be included in the Fraternal calendar being currently prepared.

7.The Council is looking for a Chair Person to head up the Lenten Dinners this year. Anyone interested please contact him.

8.  A special thanks to Chris Horvat and Al Gracik who provided the refreshments for tonight’s events.


At the conclusion of his report the Grand Knight presented to John Weber the Knights Honorary Life Membership Award.



Deputy Grand Knight

The Deputy Grand Knight, Don Watson, had no report.


Chaplain’s Report

Fr. Andrew was present and had no report for the Council.


Financial Reports

Financial Secretary Report

Tom Gaume the Financial Secretary was present. Tom presented the bills of the Council. They were:

1.Beverages for the Council’s meeting (Al Gracik brought)    $41.28

2.Food for the Council’s meeting (Chris Horvat brought)    $119.31

3.Financial Secretary fees & name tags purchased

for members of the Council (Greg Miller)        $704.50

4.Frames for Award (Greg Brown)           $65.43


Upon motion duly made and seconded it was approved to pay the above referenced bills.



Treasurer’s Reports

Tom Spencer, the Treasurer, was present and gave the Treasurer’s report as follows:

Bank Balance on hand (As of August 11, 2021):        $23,726.40

Less: earmarked Coats for Kids’ fund         $ 2,290.65

Less: earmarked Donations for Seminarians fund $ 4,007.00

Less: earmarked for Baby Bottles           $ 4.665.26

Remainder :           12.763.49



Lector’s Address

The Lector, Gregg Brown, gave his presentation on the subject “St. Joseph and Creative Courage” from the book A Man Named Joseph written by Joe Heschmeyer. The summation of the presentation was in seeking “Creative Courage” two elements are required. They are: 1) Prayer; and 2) Know when to act and then take action.


Membership Director

  The Grand Knight called on the Membership Director to give his report. Chad Eickholt, the Membership Director, was not present. However in his absence it was reported refreshments were going to be served at the August 18, 2021, “Sporting Knights” event in the Martha and Mary Room being sponsored by the Knights for the purpose of fellowship, and currently there is no date for the “Greet and Meet” event at Mr. P’z for the Parish to come out and meet the two new Priests and Deacon assigned to the Parish hosted by the Knights.



Faith Director


  Thereafter the Grand Knight called on the Faith Director, Everett Fritz, to give his report. Everett Fritz was present. He explained to the Council the Faith Director’s Program for the Fraternal calendar year 2021 and 2022. Under Supreme’s “Faith in Action” Program the Council is required to perform four (4) of the various programs offered under the “Faith” section of the Program. All are elective except the program “Spiritual Reflection.” This program is mandatory for each Council to be eligible for the Columbian Award. Our Council does five (5). They are: RSVP-Seminarian Support; KIOSK-providing religious educational material to the Parish; Rosary Program-Leading the Rosary before the congregation before and after Mass; Holy Hour-every Wednesday and Friday nights the Knights’ as a group do adoration in the chapel for an hour; and spiritual reflection. This year our “Spiritual Reflection Program” will be to support our Parish Priests in the devotions offered for spiritual renewal during the Lenten season. As the Pastor rolls the Lenten renewal program out for the Parish the Knights will develop its program in support of what our Church offers and distribute it to our members.


Family & Council Director


  John Weber as Family Director was called upon to give his report. John reported on the upcoming Communion Mass and breakfast to occur on August 29. He said Carol Clune agreed to put the breakfast together for us as she has done in the past. The cost will be $10 a person and free for those twelve (12) and under.


  Also, John informed the Council under Supreme’s “Faith in Action Program” some family spiritual programs are suggested for the Parish. He said he intends to make an appointment to discuss these family spiritual programs with our Pastor.



Life Director


Dave Boone was present and gave his report. Dave said the Council will participate in the 40 Days for Life Program which will take place in October. Next month he will have a date and sign-up sheet for our participation.


Dave reported on the results of the “Baby Bottle” fundraiser through August 12. He said this year was the most successful ever. He informed the Council $6,243.36 was collected through August 12. He said checks in the amount of $1,578.10 were made payable either to the Wyandotte Pregnancy Center or Kansans for Life. Those checks will go directly to the Organization the check was issued. He said $4,665.26 was collected in cash. He made a motion the $4,665.26 collected in cash be distributed equally between the Wyandotte Pregnancy Center and Kansans for Life. The motion was seconded and passed.





Don Watson was present and called upon to give the Youth Director report. Don said he will run the basketball “Free Throw Contest” this year. He informed the Council he’d like to relinquish being the chair for this program after several years and have someone else take it over for the year 2023.



Community Director

There was no report.




Bob Long was not present, but the Grand Knight informed the Council Bob is rebuilding the Knights’ webpage on another provider’s platform after “Go Daddy” shut our site down. He said this matter is being investigated as to the cause by the Council.



Unfinished Business

  With the Director reports concluded the Grand Knight asked whether there was any unfinished business.


Rick Trudell speaking for Ken O’Brien provided an update on the “Play Along Football” raffle ticket fundraiser event. Rick said there were still some open times to man the raffle ticket table after the Sunday Masses. He passed around the sheet seeking volunteers. Also, he mentioned to those who had not picked up their envelope of tickets, the box containing the envelopes were on a back table and asked those still needing to pick up their envelope to see him after the meeting.


Thereafter Trinidad Molina stood and was recognized. Trinidad said the Council still plans on doing an Exemplification. He said he does not have a definite date as yet, but he’d like to do one in October. He informed the Council under the new Exemplification it takes about thirty (30) minutes and there are six (6) characters. He said he still needs four (4) volunteers to act as characters. He asked anyone who was interested to contact him.


Next, Greg Davis stood and was recognized. Greg gave an update on the Royal Baseball and Golf Outings. Greg said he has purchased Royal Baseball tickets for September 30. He said the Royals were playing the Cleveland Indians. The air conditioned coach bus to take the individuals to the game was under contract. The cost for the event including the ticket and ride was $55 a person. He said you do not need to be a Knight to go. He passed around a sign-up sheet for those interested.


Following the Royal Baseball report, he gave a report on the Golf Outing. The event would be held on October 8 starting at 9:00 A.M. at the Heritage Park Golf Course in Olathe. The cost for green fees, a cart, and two soft drinks was $40.00. He informed the Council besides being a fun event, he’d like the event to be a fundraiser this year for the Knights. He said the plan is to find sponsor for holes at a price of $125 a hole. For this the sponsor has their name on a sign at a tee box and they are published as a sponsor of the Knights in the Knights Directory for the Fraternal year of 2022-2023. The Directory goes out to 319 Knights and will be published on the webpage. He made a motion the Knights seek sponsors for the event at a price of $125 a hole with the sponsors receiving the advertisement as described above. The motion was seconded and passed.


Next Bill Ramsey stood and was recognized. The Knights are sponsoring the “Sporting Knight” at the Church on August 18 as a fellowship and recruitment endeavor. He indicated there would be a donation jar put out to cover refreshments, but in the event the donations ran short he put a motion on the floor requesting what expenses were not covered by donations the Council reimburse the individual(s) advancing the cost. The motion was seconded and there was a discussion. After the discussion, a vote was taken and the motion passed.


Next, Thomas Gaume stood and was recognized. He informed the Council the Kiosk book supply the Knights maintain was in need of restocking. He put a motion on the floor the Kiosk be restocked with books at a cost of $159.75. The motion was seconded and passed.


Next, Thomas Gaume informed the Council the cost for the publication of the 2021 and 2022 Knights’ Directory would be $225. He made a motion to pay this year’s Knight Directory expense. The motion was seconded and passed.



New Business

  With “Unfinished Business” concluded, the Grand Knight asked whether anyone had any new business to bring up with the Council.


Greg Miler stood and was recognized. Greg informed the Knights that starting in September the truck for Catholic Charities would come to Holy Spirit the first Sunday of each month for food donations. He said after every Mass help would be needed to carry out donated food to the truck to assist Catholic Charities in loading the truck.


Secondly, Greg Miller had a demonstrative illustration of a place mat with Knight information for the intended purpose of using at all breakfasts and dinners put on by the Knights. He asked the Council whether it would be interested in purchasing place mats promoting and advertising the Council at all food activities put on by the Knights. The idea was tabled and Greg was requested to obtain information about the cost and other pertinent information and present the request at the next meeting.


Next, Trinidad Molina informed the Council currently the Adoration Chapel hosted the Knights’ rosary display and informed the Council we currently have hundreds of rosaries in stock to replenish those taken for use by those in the Adoration Chapel. Also, he indicated he was taking up the hobby of fixing rosaries and he had a substantial number to circulate into this program once they were repaired. He informed the Council there was a Parishioner who wished to furnish rosaries for the display, but charge for them. He wanted to know the Council’s response to the inquiry. Since Fr. Andrew was there an inquiry was made of him of his preference. Thereafter a discussion was had and it was conclude by vote the Council would continue to furnish rosaries free. Further, the Council decided upon the current supply of rosaries being exhausted, it would take up the matter for consideration at a future date.




Fourth Degree Report


Dan Hageman, the Faithful Navigator was not present. However, in his absent John Weber reported two families from our Assembly attended this year’s Ward Assembly Picnic held at the Knights Hall in Shawnee. The next meeting will be September 20, 2021. It will be preceded by a pot luck dinner starting with a social gathering at 6 P. M.





The Grand Knight reported the Knight and Family were as follows:


Knight of the Month:    Chad Eickholt

Family of the Month:   Everett and Sandy Fritz



District Deputy Comments


The District Deputy, Richard Warwick, was reported ill. There was no report.


Insurance Agent Report


Our Field Agent, John Rodriguez was not present and there was no report.

Mr. Rodriguez’s e-mail address is His phone number is (913) 403-9400 or (855) 356-4859. His address is P.O. Box 265, Gardner KS 66030. Anyone having Insurance needs is asked to reach out to him.



For the Good of the Order


Prayers Requested


  Before closing the meeting the Grand Knight asked whether any Brother Knight wished to request prayers for the sick and distressed. The names for which prayers were requested were:


1.Richard Warwick, District Deputy who has a serious illness; and

2.Ron Svec, Jr. who passed away Monday, August 9, 2021.





Jerry Gerstberger was present. He said the Adoration Chapel was open and there were ten (10) Knights who attended last Wednesday evening Holy Hour. He said there was space for eighteen (18).


50 / 50 DRAWING


There was no 50/50 drawing at the meeting


After a prayer, the meeting closed at 8:20 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,


Everett Fritz, II, Recorder

