Lecturer’s report for August, 2021, by Greg Brown

St. Joseph and Creative Courage

I again borrow Joe Heschmeyer’s notes from his Man Morning presentation of his book, A Man Named Joseph. Pope Francis coined the term, “Creative Courage.” He said Saint Joseph “was the true ‘miracle,’ by which God saves the child and his mother,” and that “God acted by trusting in Joseph’s creative courage.” Creative courage is getting up and doing what God asks us to do, the best way we know how; and being ready to change when needed.

Joseph got up and took Mary his wife into his home. Joseph got up and began the flight into Egypt. He was given the order to do these things but he had to figure out how to do them, and he had to be flexible. For example, which fork in the road do I take?

In the parable of the paralytic, his friends had to use creative courage to get him to Jesus. Blessed Fr. McGivney used creative courage to found the Order to meet the needs of Catholic families in the Nineteenth Century.

Joe gave us two aspects of creative courage to work on, first, prayer. Pray and do not loose heart. Consider the parable of the persistent woman pestering the judge. Second, know when to act and then do so. Think of the parable of the talents where 2 servants were creative and took risks, the other buried his talent.

Let us as Knights of Columbus follow the examples of St. Joseph and Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney to live our lives with creative courage, leading our families and communities closed to God.